Our 8 Phases to Health.

Educating and empowering our clients to make an informed decision is one of our most important principles. We are not a fad diet or a quick guide to lose ten pounds. This is a revolutionary lifestyle change to heal the whole system.

Phase 1:
Gut Balance

Digestive Stabilization The first step to improving gut health is eliminating toxic waste buildup, and reducing the inflammatory foods that cause damage to your intestines. This digestive cleanse will do just that!

Phase 2:
Yeast Cleanse

Yeast Cleanse Naturally, yeast inhabits your genital and intestinal tract at a safe level. When the immune system is not functioning, the yeast multiply and move to other parts of the body causing what’s called a systemic infection.

Phase 3:
Parasite Cleanse

Parasite Cleanse Believe it or not, a relatively high percentage of adults living in the United States may carry parasites. Parasites can infect the intestinal tract, leading to a variety of digestive symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, and heartburn.

Phase 4:
Liver Cleanse

Liver / Gallbladder Cleanse As such a fundamental part of the body’s overall regulation, it’s paramount to keep your liver healthy and to limit overindulgence.Your liver represents the human body’s primary filtration system.

Phase 5:
Heavy Metals

Heavy Metals Detox Health problems caused by low level chronic exposure to heavy metals may take years to appear. Heavy metal in our liver's can alter conversion of cholesterol into sex hormones.

Phase 6:
Hormone Balance

Hormone Balancing Hormones are the essential cornerstone to our health and happiness. It is NOT an option to think that your hormones are in balance.

Phase 7:

Fitness Choose a training program that fits your goals of body composition and health. Train your mind as well, take the time for yourself and quiet the mind for better health.

Phase 8:

Maintenance Re-testing (Biomarkers) of all pertinent preventative medical markers is an important step. Always redo a Gut health Stabilization.